Department Of Medical Electronics


SrNo Name of the Laboratory Name of the Important equipment Technical manpower support
Name of the Technical staff Designation Qualification
La b1 Medical Electronics Lab 1 1. Hemo Dialysis Trainer
2. Defibrillator trainer with dummy patient
3. Human Anatomy Model, Human Skeletal
4. CPM Machine
5. Traction machine
6. Blood Glucose Monitoring System
7. Digital Colorimeter
8. Defibrillator
9. Nerve & Muscle Stimulator
10. Binocular Microscope Centrifuge
Mr. S. H. Bolkar Lab. Asst. I.T.I.
La b2 Medical Electronics Lab 2 1. Analog Oscilloscope 30 Mhz
2. Trainer kit for design of Inst. Amp.
3. ASK, PSK, FSK DMOD kits
5. To Generate AM, PCM, Demodulating kits
6. Analog Oscilloscope 30 Mhz
7. Analog IC Tester
8. Digital IC Tester Digital IC Trainer
Mr. H. R. Moghe A.V. Aids Tech D.I.E.
La b3 Medical Electronics Lab 3 1. Microprocessor 8051 Trainer kit Model - D0051
2. Desk top Computer
3. CPU and Monitor TFT CPU and Monitor TFT
Mr. S. H. Bolkar Lab. Asst./th> I.T.I.
La b4 Medical Electronics Lab 4 1. DLP Multimedia Projector Make - Sharp 200x Mr. S. H. Bolkar Lab. Asst./th> I.T.I.
La b5 1. Universal Biomedical Instrument Trainer
2. up based BP App. Model - 137
3. Trainer kit for design of ECG lead selector
4. DLP Multimedia Projector Make - Sharp
5. Microcontroller based Respiratory Techniques
6. ECG Machine with recorder
7. Blood Flow Detector
8. Strain Guage Trainer kit
9. L.V.D.T. Trainer
10. Laser Printer HP 1020 plus Respiration Rate Monitor Kit
Mr. H. R. Moghe A.V. Aids Tech. D.I.E