MSBTE Code:0131
DTE Code:6015

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Computer Engineering

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Department was established in year 1990.It Started functioning under Government Polytechnic when the Institute was established.
Computer Department
Intake for Regular : 60
Departmental Staff :05
Head Of Department :01

Vission and Mission

Vission: To produce competent computer engineering technicians of high moral values and ethics to serve the community and the continuously changing global industrial needs.
Mission: 1. To empower the students with the required skills to solve the broad based problems of modern society.
2. To impart training with an emphasis on promoting collaborative and multi disciplinary activities .
3 . To develop adaptability for working in team and as an individual in competitive environment with effective communication.
4.To inculcate the ability for environment friendly solutions related to broad based problems using ethical engineering practices.


Graphical User Interface Lab
Networking Lab
Programming Lab
Web Designing Lab
Software Testing Lab
Hardware Lab